Integration with Flux.jl

This example shows a way to use Augmentor to provide images for training Flux.jl models. We will be using the MNIST database of handwritten digits as our input data.

To skip all the talking and see the code, go ahead to Complete example.

Ordinary training

Let's first show how training looks without any augmentation.

We are using the MLDataSets.jl package to coveniently access the MNIST dataset. To reduce the training time, we are working only with a subset of the data.

After collecting the data, we divide them into batches using batchview from MLDataUtils.jl. We then create a model, pick a loss function and an optimizer, and start the training.

using Flux, MLDatasets, MLDataUtils

n_instances = 32
batch_size = 32
n_epochs = 16

# Flux requires a 4D numerical array in WHCN (width, height, channel, batch)
# format thus we need to insert a dummy dimension to indicate `C=1`(gray image).
X = Flux.unsqueeze(MNIST.traintensor(Float32, 1:n_instances), 3)
y = Flux.onehotbatch(MNIST.trainlabels(1:n_instances), 0:9)

# size(X) == (28, 28, 1, 32)
# size(y) == (10, 32)
@assert size(X) == (28, 28, 1, 32) # hide
@assert size(y) == (10, 32) # hide

# `data = batches[1]` means the first batch input:
#     - `data[1]` is a batch extracted from `X`
#     - `data[2]` is a batch extracted from `y`
# We also apply `shuffleobs` to get a random batch view.
batches = batchview(shuffleobs((X, y)), maxsize=batch_size)

predict = Chain(Conv((3, 3), 1=>16, pad=(1, 1), relu),
                Conv((3, 3), 16=>32, pad=(1, 1), relu),
                Conv((3, 3), 32=>32, pad=(1, 1), relu),
                MaxPool((2, 2)),
                Dense(288, 10))

loss(X, y) = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy(predict(X), y)

opt = Flux.Optimise.ADAM(0.001)

for epoch in 1:n_epochs
    Flux.train!(loss, params(predict), batches, opt)

nothing # hide

Adding augmentation

Augmentor aims to provide generic image augmentation support for any machine learning framework and not just deep learning. Except for the grayscale images, Augmentor assumes every image is an array of Colorant. Without loss of generality, we use Gray image here so that the same pipeline also applies to RGB image.

Use colorant array whenever you can

If you pass a 3d numerical array, e.g., of size (28, 28, 3) and interpret it as an RGB array, you'll almost definitely get an incorrect result from Augmentor. This is because Augmentor and the entire JuliaImages ecosystem uses Array{RGB{Float32}, 2} to represent an RGB array. Without any explicit note, Array{Float32, 3} will be interpreted as a 3d gray image instead of any colorful image. Just think of the color specifications like Lab, HSV and you'll notice the ambiguity here.

using ImageCore

X = Gray.(MNIST.traintensor(Float32, 1:n_instances))
y = Flux.onehotbatch(MNIST.trainlabels(1:n_instances), 0:9)
┌ Warning: MNIST.traintensor() is deprecated, use `MNIST(split=:train).features` instead.
└ @ MLDatasets ~/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/eZ0Va/src/datasets/vision/mnist.jl:157
┌ Warning: MNIST.trainlabels() is deprecated, use `MNIST(split=:train).targets` instead.
└ @ MLDatasets ~/.julia/packages/MLDatasets/eZ0Va/src/datasets/vision/mnist.jl:173

Augmentation is given by an augmentation pipeline. Our pipeline is a composition of three operations:

  1. ElasticDistortion is the only image operation in this pipeline.
  2. SplitChannels split the colorant array into the plain numerical array so that deep learning frameworks are happy with the layout.
  3. PermuteDims permutes the dimension of each image to match WHC.

The operations are composed by the |> operator.

using Augmentor

pl = ElasticDistortion(6, 6,
                       border=true) |>
     SplitChannels() |>
     PermuteDims((2, 3, 1))
3-step Augmentor.ImmutablePipeline:
 1.) Distort using a 3-times smoothed and normalized 6×6 grid
 2.) Split colorant into its color channels
 3.) Permute dimension order to (2, 3, 1)

Next, we define two helper functions.

# Creates an output array for augmented images
outbatch(X) = Array{Float32}(undef, (28, 28, 1, nobs(X)))
# Takes a batch (images and targets) and augments the images
augmentbatch((X, y)) = (augmentbatch!(outbatch(X), X, pl), y)

In many deep learning tasks, the augmentation is applied lazily during the data iteration. For this purpose, we wrap the batches with a mapped array in order to augment each batch right before feeding it to the network.

using MappedArrays

batches = batchview((X, y), maxsize=batch_size)
batches = mappedarray(augmentbatch, batches)
# eager alternative: augmentation happens when this line gets executed
# batches = augmentbatch.(batches)

# The output is already in the expected WHCN format
# size(batches[1][1]) == (28, 28, 1, 32)
# size(batches[1][2]) == (10, 32)

Iterating over batches will now produce augmented images. No other changes are required.

Complete example

using Augmentor, Flux, ImageCore, MappedArrays, MLDatasets, MLDataUtils

n_instances = 32
batch_size = 32
n_epochs = 16

X = Gray.(MNIST.traintensor(Float32, 1:n_instances))
y = Flux.onehotbatch(MNIST.trainlabels(1:n_instances), 0:9)

pl = ElasticDistortion(6, 6,
                       border=true) |>
     SplitChannels() |>
     PermuteDims((2, 3, 1))

outbatch(X) = Array{Float32}(undef, (28, 28, 1, nobs(X)))
augmentbatch((X, y)) = (augmentbatch!(outbatch(X), X, pl), y)

batches = mappedarray(augmentbatch, batchview((X, y), maxsize=batch_size))

predict = Chain(Conv((3, 3), 1=>16, pad=(1, 1), relu),
                Conv((3, 3), 16=>32, pad=(1, 1), relu),
                Conv((3, 3), 32=>32, pad=(1, 1), relu),
                MaxPool((2, 2)),
                Dense(288, 10))

loss(X, y) = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy(predict(X), y)

opt = Flux.Optimise.ADAM(0.001)

for epoch in 1:n_epochs
    Flux.train!(loss, params(predict), batches, opt)